What is your treatment philosophy?

I believe that human movement is the single most important thing I can teach and offer as a rehabilitation specialist. I take all my patients and clients through a thorough assessment to figure out what might be causing their discomfort, imbalance, or pain.


We then take the results of their exam and design a strength and mobility program that encourages them to find pain free ways to move and focuses on their areas of need. Teaching people to fix themselves is far more empowering than encouraging them to come to your office for bi-weekly pain treatments.

Where did you go to school?

I earned my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Old Dominion University. I earned a Bachelors of Exercise Science from the University of Pittsburgh.

What certifications do you have?

I am a CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) through the NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association) and also a certified USAW (Level 1 USA Olympic Weightlifting Coach)

What certifications do you recommend?

I recommend the CSCS as the gold standard for strength and conditioning and training. I get this question a lot from younger people in the field. The first thing I always suggest is gain experience.


There is no certification that can replace or replicate valuable internship, observational, and hands-on experience. Don’t just learn a little from a lot of people… learn a lot from a few people. Develop mentorship/mentee relationships and volunteer your time in exchange for irreplaceable and authentic learning experiences.

What do you recommend if I’m a therapist and want to learn more about sports focused rehab?

If you’re a young physical therapist, you would learn more from spending time with an enlightened and forward thinking strength and conditioning coach than you would by just getting another certification. Network and meet people who have a thirst for knowledge. This is the best way to foster a lifetime of learning.

How did you come to work in a sports physical therapy setting?

I have been friends with Blair O’Donovan, one of the co-owners of Healthy Baller for almost 10 years. We used to train out of the same gym when I was a strength coach and got to know each other over lunch meetings and talking shop. Although our careers went in separate directions, Blair and I kept in touch over the years.


Fast forward to 2016, I decided I had enough at my first physical therapy job. I was ready to venture out on my own and bet on myself to develop the unique brand of physical therapy I had always dreamed of practicing. I approached Blair about coming to work at his newly opened strength & conditioning facility as a part time therapist and part time strength coach.


My physical therapist role took off rather quickly and within 6 months I was not coaching at all anymore, and I was seeing patients full time. Within another 6 months, physical therapy grew to the point where we needed to bring in a second therapist. We built a dedicated sports medicine office within the Healthy Baller facility in September 2017 and the rest is history.

How do you recommend I become a sports medicine PT?

Sports medicine is a sexy term and it’s a field a lot of healthcare professionals want to work in. We want to work with motivated and active patients… naturally, athletes fit this bill. The reality is our academic programs and training do not provide the necessary tools for working with high level athletes. Sprint form is not talked about in depth in physical therapy school. Physicians do not know how to discuss squat form and knee pain with their powerlifting patients.


Before you can even entertain the idea of being a sports medicine PT, you need to be well equipped with the knowledge and ability to help athletes and active people. It helps to be a sports fan and have an understanding of what different positions on the field and court do. It also helps to have an athletic background and understand the culture of sport. These are not necessities, but they are certainly advantages.


My number one recommendation is to learn sport. Network with trainers and coaches; learn everything you can about the physical preparation process high level athletes go through. Learn about the unique energy system demands of the american football player. Learn about the rotational demands of a tennis, golf, or lacrosse player and how that impacts everything from their hips and spine to their feet and elbows.


Once you feel comfortable with your body of knowledge, you can consider marketing yourself as a sports medicine PT and networking with the right groups in order to find potential work opportunities and referral sources within the sports community. I chose to practice within a gym knowing I had a large direct referral source and platform to start with.

What books do you recommend?

Strength & Conditioning


Science and Practice of Strength Training

Vladamir Zatsiorsky


Periodization Training for Sports

Tudor Bompa



Mel Siff


Special Strength Training Manual for Coaches

Yuri Verkoshansky


Build a Better Athlete

Dr. Michael Yessis




Orthopaedic Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention

Mark Dutton


Kinesiology of The Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Rehabilitation

Donald A. Neumann


Atlas of Human Anatomy

Frank Netter


Low Back Disorders

Stuart McGill


Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance

Stuart McGill

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